Marist Brothers High School Darlinghurst
Blue & Blue – March 2011 (P2)
Future of the OBU:
Ø For some time now the number of interested members has been dwindling. Additionally, your committee needs some renewal which seems unlikely given the age of members and lack of volunteers. Clearly we need a way forward.
Ø In 2002, it was proposed that we become a part of the Marist College Pearce Old Boys Association. At the time there was sufficient interest and energy to re-form our own OBU and carry on. Now might be the time to take up this opportunity to pass the baton.
Ø As part of the Centenary event, we have been in touch with Marist College Pearce and they are sending a contingent to the celebration. The day might well be the right time for the formal handover of our OBU records and funds to their Old Boys Association. Details are to be worked out but Darlo old boy news will be incorporated into editions of their College magazine, The Maristian - see the link:
Ø Darlo functions will still be held but on a much more informal level and be on a pay as you go basis. We will advertise through the Maristian and via e-mail. As a prelude, you will all be sent a copy of the next issue of The Maristian which will include an article on the OBU. There will be no funds retained for postage, etc. We need feedback on this proposal in order to agree a final position on the future of the OBU.
Ø Finally, discussion is underway regarding the establishment of a perpetual trophy to honour our OBU and it will be an annual recognition of achievement by a MCP student – more to come. The idea stems from a suggestion of a scholarship scheme being set up which came from Stella Conroy, daughter of Bill Conroy (38). We have not the funds to support an enduring scholarship but a substantial perpetual trophy is affordable. Thanks Stella for your interest.
From the members:
Ø Colin Mills from Old Bar (1946) send best wishes to all classmates. He has suffered two heart attacks but is now fine and running a small cattle farm. He remembers John Hallinan (now Fr Dennis) who once gave him sixpence for a fare.
Ø Mark Trainor sent us a great photo of Peter McMaugh which appeared in an article about Peter’s successful career as a horticulturist. He received the 2009 Graham Gregory Award for excellence in horticulture. The photo shows our Pete, a regular at all our social events along with his brother Bill, as a young man holding a baby. He is wearing a multi coloured check shirt and has “green” hair (probably a reflection in the photo but a good look nevertheless). Congratulations Peter.
Ø Fr Paul Chandler O Carm, tells us he spent 2006-09 as a research fellow at the Carmelite Institute in Rome and is now back in Aus as spiritual director at Holy Spirit seminary, Banyo, Qld where he is working with 24 seminarians. Fr Paul will see us at the Centenary.
President: Warren Thomas 9527 9857 Vice president: Mark Sinclair 95249760
Secretary/Membership: Larry Hensby 9528 3957 Treasurer: Vince Hallinan 9533 2237
Committee: Colin Sullivan, Br Charles Aqilina, & Dominic Sidoti
All mail to: The Secretary, PO Box A1411 Sydney South. 1235